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I am a Food and Nutrition major pursing Dietetics in my senior year at Sacramento State. I am a big lover of life and the uncertainties that come with it. I believe that learning about Food and Nutrition is so integral to everyone’s lives, that many people should be aware of how important it is. I joined the FAN Club because it fosters the academic and fun environment that I need during stressful times in the semester. It’s a great club, with passionate officers, full of thought-provoking discussions, and there is ALWAYS food. I’ve already met some cool people that are easily recognizable around

campus. And nothing beats that warm familiarity of a friend.

What is your current comfort food/drink?

I would have to say that popcorn is currently my favorite comfort food. It’s enjoyable whether I’m

eating it during a movie night or working on an assignment for class. Wash that all down with a tall

glass of any fruit-infused water, and I am comfortable.


How do you practice self-care on a busy schedule?

During a busy schedule, I try to squeeze in time for a run. I love running because it allows me

moments of freedom from the busyness around me. Any time I get to put on my running shoes is

providing self-care.


Do you personally cook? If so, what’s your go to favorite recipe?

I love to cook the Jalapeno Lime Tilapia recipe that I learned how to make from taking a class on

Principles of Food Preparation. Add steamed broccoli with brown rice and Bon Appetit! Ask me for the



What do you love about being an advocate for food and nutrition?

I love being able to communicate with people. To quote Bill Nye, “Everyone you will ever meet knows

something you don’t.” I believe that we all can learn a thing or two from one another. If I can help

people by talking to them about what I’ve learned from studying food and nutrition then they have

helped me in return.

What do you enjoy about the #FANfam so far?

I love the support I get from the environment that I’m in. It makes me engage in many of the

discussions when normally I would be too nervous to do so. I enjoy looking forward to the meetings

because the FANfam is your family.


Anything else you would like to share?

I’m looking forward to the new semester!

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